Sami X Trout
Born: 11/23/23
Six blacks, 1 girl, 5 boys and six chocolates, 2 girls, 4 boys born
Go-home: January 19th, 2024 or stay for one of the Rockycreek Puppy Preschool Programs
Dam: AKC Pointed Rockycreek's Black Licorice Sambuca
Sire: Twin Maples Gone Fishing
Sami is a beautiful laid back girl who is very easy going and loves to relax and cuddle on the couch with her human Dad. She is at home wherever she goes, rising to any occasion - whether hanging out at the pub or competing at a show.
Trout is inquisitive, goofy, very happy go lucky, and super friendly. He is intelligent and has a high willingness to please which makes him figure out what you want from him.
We feel this litter will combine wonderful attributes of both parent’s personalities and make wonderful, easy going companions for families who take their dog with them on their family adventures.